Home31 days of Gratitude
31 days of Gratitude
31 days of Gratitude

31 days of Gratitude

Saving ₹900
90% off
Start Date:
Nov 30, 2024 6:30 PM
End Date:
Dec 31, 2024 7:30 AM
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Product Description

Gratitude is a powerful emotion that goes beyond a mere expression of thanks; it is a mindset, a way of seeing and appreciating the positive aspects of life.


Tony Robbins says, “When we have an attitude of gratitude we see life as it is; an unbelievable gift.”


The power of gratitude lies in its ability to completely change the way we see the world.

It is an emotion – and you can control your emotions by choosing what to focus on. You can choose to approach life from a place of scarcity and fear, or you can adopt an attitude of abundance and decide to focus on the positive. The choice is yours, and it’s the first decision you must make before you can learn how to live in gratitude.


When you find ways to live in the mindset of Gratitude, you will become happier and appreciate more of what you have in your Life. And what you Appreciate, appreciate.


We are heading in the last month of the year- there might be so many things you wanted to achieve and you could have not for many reasons. But- there are also so many things you might have been blessed with- which you would miss if not paid attention to.


Think of these small gifts of the Universe- which /the universe gives you time and again - whether you are in receiving mode or not. If you receive it with love and appreciation you have been given it- Universe gets the message that you are open to more receiving and you appreciate its gifts.

Whereas- if you miss those small random gifts and only focus on what the Universe did not give you- you are not only pushing away what you want but you are also pushing away- these random gifts.


Do you want to not miss out on appreciating and feeling Gratitude for what the Universe already gave you? Then join this challenge and in 31 days you will have so many things to appreciate in your Life.

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